Hand painted wooden arches for wedding 9/22/23. Painted along with Amanda George (Industrial Designer/ Best Friend). Photography done by @foxandloonphoto on Instagram.

Beginning of a passion project of illustrations showcasing the Lenox Spice Village containers.

Handsome little guy based off Over the Garden Wall characters from Pottsville. Winner of a company Jack-O-Lantern contest Fall 2022.

Printed Save the Date for upcoming wedding. Celestial theme is shown in subtle star pattern in background.

Digital Illustration created for potential tattoo design, ultimately used as a print for home decor.


Hand painted sign for wedding 9/22/23. Painted on repurposed tabletop surface. Photography done by @foxandloonphoto on Instagram.

Wedding Mood Board for my partner and Iā€™s 9/22/23 Celestial themed wedding.

Gig graphic for upcoming Eau Claire Jazz Crawl featuring The Alex Karye Quintet.

Self-portraits taken and developed, then cut up and collaged over Mona Lisa.